Five Days in the Forest

We began the 5-day session by joining in a circle in the open concept eating, gathering room at Tawingo College, a beautiful 150-acre campus that also has an Outdoor Kindergarten. We were invited to introduce ourselves by stating our name, followed by an animal and then a sound associated with this animal. Shortly after this introduction, we headed outdoors and then spent the remainder of the week there with the exception of a few indoor sessions necessitated by the need for AV equipment. Five days in a forest was something I could not imagine myself ever doing and here I was sitting around a campfire listening to the stories of our amazing facilitators, Marlene Power and John Cree.

Around the fire

Many hours every day were spent talking and learning around the fire.

I knew going into the forest that I was stepping way out of my comfort zone! It had been decades since I had “roughed it” and as I told the group on our first day together – I have long been a creature of comfort. I tend to avoid the cold, the wet and the bugs. My knife skills outside my kitchen have never been used and while I consider myself a great cook, I have cut myself often. I also bump into things on a regular basis and am considered a klutz. I think it is because I am always in my head, thinking deeply about teaching, learning, and relationships. I am always coming up with visions and ideas. In the forest I heeded Jon’s words and got out of my head. I became mindful of my surroundings and took on challenges carefully. I listened with deep consideration to what I was being taught by those more knowledgeable than myself. I used a bow saw, whittled with a knife and tied knots. I came out of the forest more confident of my capacity to learn new things and more aware of my surroundings, especially the natural ones.

Diane whittling

In the three decades I have spent teaching others to teach, my commitment has always been to create a respectful and caring learning environment. I know now, since my forest days, that the greatest learning environment of all is outside the confines of four walls and a roof. I took a 45-minute walk this morning through my local forest. I could see the forest for the trees. I could hear the birds clearer than before. During my walk I thought about this blog post and how my time in the forest at Camp Tawingo has changed me. I am not afraid of rain, cold, bugs or tools anymore because I am knowledgeable and am prepared. I accept that I still have so much to learn and look forward to many more opportunities to spend time outdoors with more knowledgeable others. I know that if I am to continue to teach, I must continue to learn. Maya Angelou’s words are resonating with me this week.

If you get

To be a learner is the greatest gift we can give to those whom we teach. I am reminded by my experience in the forest to keep learning. While I think I was the oldest of the 24 others in the forest over those five days, I also think I had the most to learn. It wasn’t easy asking for help and stepping back from a leadership position. I am an extrovert. I like to take charge. During our time in the forest, I listened and learned from others whose life experiences were so different than mine. One of my fondest memories was sitting across from Kim, a kindergarten teacher from a local school who lives and breathes the great outdoors, as she helped me overcome my fear of knives during a lovely whittling session. I saw firsthand the benefits of forest school learning for everyone, children and adults. I encourage early childhood educators to be open to bringing forest school principles into their practice. I will be writing more about how you can do this in the future.  Meanwhile, here are some resources to help you think about forest school early learning.

Today, I downloaded the many photos I took while in the forest and I am beginning to come to terms with how amazing the experience. I still need time to process, to continued reflection and most importantly to continued learning. My memories of our five days in the forest will stay with me forever. My favourite memories, not surprisingly, all had to do with food. The bannock I made over the leave no trace fire that we made under our tarps that wet and wonderful day was one of the best things I ever tasted.

Making bannock

Making bannock around the fire.

In the forest school, I found my heart but at the age and stage of my professional career that I am at I don’t see myself as a practicing forest school leader. My vision now is to support the forest school movement in any way I can. I owe it to myself and I owe it to children. I am determined to help the profession that I love – early childhood education, embrace forest school learning and incorporate it into their practice. Trust that in the forest, you will be happy.

Keep Calm

“To keep calm go into the forest.”




9 thoughts on “Five Days in the Forest

  1. Louise & Diane – Sounds like a wonderful experience! I think the forest movement that we are seeing become popular is an amazing thing for both children and teachers. I appreciate your dedication to the movement.


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  4. How completely reaffirming, to go and put into practice what you always help us in the #reggioPLC to think deeply about: embrace the learning that comes, be in the moment, experience learning with your whole self, and develop an ecological identity as Ann Pelo suggests.

    I watched your tweets trickle out over the week knowing you were too fully experiencing the wonder of the forest to come out to social media but thankful you sent those few images and impressions of your time. As a child of the countryside who grew up barefoot and most often up a tree or in a pond, I miss the wilds of the rural life desperately and make it my mission to find the wild wherever I live (thank heavens for the big old lake down the street!) and work.

    I have been watching the change in my students over the last few weeks, now that we’ve been spending more of our time outdoors than in, including long trips to our nearby park. Backpacks are flung under a gathering tree, shoes and socks tossed in a pile nearby, and children run to explore their favourite part of the park: sliding down the fire pole that used to terrify them, climbing on a box to get into a swing, exploring the silver maples for telltale little red bumps of butterfly eggs, looking for caterpillars and other fascinating insects. I no longer have to remind my students of the boundaries (basically my eye-line in the parkette) or ask them to help one another. Even in a suburban park, the natural world encourages risk-taking and collaboration that may never be seen indoors. I can only imagine the change I would see if I could go further… introduce saws and hammers and make forts and make tea on a fire.

    Thank you for sharing these first impressions. I look forward to more, and look forward to someday taking the training myself.


  5. Beautifully written and reflects the experience I had last summer at the FS course. Looking forward to meeting you in person!


  6. Diane and Louise, Your recollection of the Forest School training was lovely to read as it brought back fond memories. Also, your own personal reflections really resonated with me as I went through much of the same. I am seeing Forest School children also transform in their own ways as they experience new ways of thinking, processing thoughts and information, and changing the way they learn. How they push their own boundaries, or raise questions about what they see, or how they learn to feel safe in a slightly more risky environment. Each one of us find our own way as we become connected to the natural flow of life. Thank you for sharing and please do keep me connected through email. Hope to meet you both soon.


  7. Pingback: Reggio Inspired Learning In and With Nature | Technology Rich Inquiry Based Research

  8. Pingback: Loose parts in nature inform Reggio inspired learning | Technology Rich Inquiry Based Research

  9. Pingback: Loose Parts in Nature and Reggio Inspired Learning | Technology Rich Inquiry Based Research

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